Wednesday, March 20, 2013

First Day of Spring ...

This blog has been in my head for almost a year now. First making the decision to blog, and more importantly, what to blog about. Then, the biggest and most time-consuming process, coming up with a unique, creative, encompassing blog name that hadn't already been taken. Over and over again I would search in Google blogger for names that I loved, liked, or simply just names that were "okay". Finally one rainy, winter day wasting hours on quote sites and Pinterest while my sick husband was asleep on the couch, I found it: love where you're going. It was perfect. It is unique, creative, encompassing and finally, not yet taken! "Love where you're going" takes into account life, every part of it. Every journey we are all on and loving each encounter and step along the way.

This blog will share with you the things I love, and things I love to do. I can't wait to share with you crafts, recipes, my family and anything else I encounter on my journey.


These gorgeous pictures are from our walk today on the  first day of Spring. More about Mollie and Tucker to come in the future! 


  1. Kathryn congratulations on your new blog. I have one but it needs some revamping. I look forward to your posts.

  2. Love your blog - the name is you. Love your photos, looking forward to reading you blog and seeing more photos. Love you Grandma

  3. What a great idea ~ I look forward to following your journey.
    Love you Lisa
