In the 6 months we've been married, it has been extra hard to be 3 hours away from both of our families... they live in Western North Carolina. We've talked at buying a house, but have never gotten close to that point, and have been in a constant struggle between moving and not moving, that honestly became very exhausting and draining.
Bradley and I are not hugely spiritual people, but after praying for guidance, the Lord gave us an extremely clear answer as to what we needed to do with our lives. The answer... move to North Carolina to be closer to our families! In the matter of two weeks we were both blessed to find amazing new jobs, a house to live in, and pack up our apartment into a U-Haul and move! Seriously, it's been an absolutely crazy, fun, exhausting, emotional, and expensive whirlwind.
In the past week while Bradley continued to work out his notice, I spent the week at my parent's house while cleaning up our new, but very old house. {Many, many posts to come about the cleaning and renovation to the house & once we can get back on our feet, I will finish the 7 Days of Herbs series}.
Bradley and I are so excited about the changes in our life and can't wait to share our journey with the rest of you.
We are "Loving Where We're Going" :)
Gorgeous view of our new backyard from the living room